Time | Song | Listeners | |
03/12/25 12:24 | Bothy Band - Sixteen Come Next Sunday - Album: Old Hag You Have Killed Me | | 9 Listeners |
03/12/25 12:20 | Alyth - I Wonder What's Keeping My True Love Tonight - Album: People Like Me | | 10 Listeners |
03/12/25 12:16 | Bernadette Morris - The Leaving Song - Album: All The Ways You Wander | | 9 Listeners |
03/12/25 12:12 | Cara - The King and the Fair Maid - Album: In Colour | | 8 Listeners |
03/12/25 12:06 | Cliar - Mhic Iain 'ic Sheumais - Album: Grinn Grinn | | 6 Listeners |
03/12/25 12:00 | Margaret Stewart - Tha Mi Sgith 'n Fhogar Seo - Album: Togidh mi mo Sheolta (Along The Road Less Travelled) | | 7 Listeners |
03/12/25 11:58 | Dolores Keane & John Faulkner - Thuas Ag Gort an Chornáin - Album: Sail Og Rua | | 7 Listeners |
03/12/25 11:54 | Edel Vaughan - A Chomaraigh Aoibhinn O - Album: Spreagtha | | 8 Listeners |
03/12/25 11:48 | Dàimh - Gur E Mo Ghille Dubh Dhonn - Album: The Hebridean Sessions | | 7 Listeners |
03/12/25 11:44 | Kitty Macfarlane - Bus Song - Album: Tide & Time | | 8 Listeners |